Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Digital Photo Reading

Digital Photo: Composition Reading and Homework

This is not a writing intensive course, but there is some reading the first couple weeks of class.
Please take notes on the bold faced words as you read from the links below. You will be shooting the various composition elements this weekend and next week. We will also have a quiz on this material as well.
Bring your cameras on Friday.

 Thursday and Friday Reading and Homework:


In Class reading:

(Take quizzes at the end of each section below) Start reading at "Strive for Feeling of Unity"

The Elements and Principles of Design

  This Monday and Wednesday during class you will shoot 24-36 pictures with at least six different subjects. Please shoot three Rule of Thirds shots, three Unique Angle shots, three leading lines shots and three frame within a frame (using other objects to frame your subject) shots.

Homework: Do the same assignment except use subjects and objects away from school.

Due Monday the 17th of September: 12 INTERESTING shots using all four techniques described above. Some people will take 40-80 pictures for 12 good ones.

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