Friday, February 10, 2017

AP Photo: Take 10 Photos a Day for a Week

Beginning today, Friday February 10, you will take 10 pictures a day, for 1 week, totaling 70 pictures.  This also means that you will need to shoot 20 images over the weekend. There is no theme for this assignment.  Your images can be of any subject matter.  You can take the pictures during school (in class) or after school (out of class). The following week you will edit your images in Photoshop (basic color corrections, cropping, editing, etc.). 
You will turn these images in on a Contact Sheet.  Each image will be labeled in Photoshop with a title that should include the date each photo was taken.  I will check to make sure you have turned your images in on a daily basis.
This assignment is designed to get you thinking about subjects & concepts you enjoy to photograph.   This will help you to begin to brainstorm your ideas for your AP portfolio.

Due: February 17
Naming convention _70photos

Your grade for this assignment will be based on several factors:
  • Completion of each image.
  • Turned in on time (formative)
  • The quality and creativity of your 70 images
  • Your choice of which photos to possibly use for your portfolio (summative).

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