Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Importing Pictures and Creating Contact Sheet in Adobe Bridge


  • Make a folder on your desktop called Composition 1 (you will change the folder name for each assignment)
  • Plug in your camera to the computer or place your memory card into the back of the computer in the horizontal SC Card slot.
  •  Import your pictures by first opening Image Capture. Image capture is location in the Applications folder. You can also search for it in the upper right hand corner and open it there.
  • You should see your pictures in Image Capture. Select on the pictures you want to import and make sure you notice where you are saving the pictures to the composition 1 folder on your computer. You can shift+click or command+click to select on specific pictures.



How to create a Contact Sheet in Adobe Bridge

1. Make sure you imported pictures using Image Capture
2. Select on the folder.
3. Open Adobe Bridge CS6

4. On left hand side find your folder and select it.
6. Select the files down below so that they show up in the Preview section. You can select the pictures via lasso, shift key, or command key.
7. On the right hand side select Output. Make sure .pdf is selected. Columns and rows will vary.
  • 6 pictures means columns and rows=2*3
  • 12 pictures means columns and rows=3*4
  • 20 pictures means columns and rows 4*5
  • 24 pictures means columns and rows=4*6
Make sure document is set to:

 8. Click save in the lower right hand corner. Save to your pictures folder.
9. Upload .pdf Contact Sheet to the Vidstore Server in the Classes folder.

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