Thursday, October 09, 2014

Next AP Photo Assignment


Visit the following website HERE to review a short article on Color Harmony as it exists in Complimentary and Analogous color schemes.  Type out these definitions in your own words on your computer.
Select only four themes from the list below and photograph in color—THINK IN COLOR
Take 5 solid examples of each of those photos.  You will have total of 20 photos completed for this assignment.
1.            Reflections in chrome or other reflective surface           
2.            Reflections in water
3.            Store window reflections (e.g., an antique or consignment store)
4.            Light through a window
5.            Motorcycle close-up or car engine close-up
6.            Architectural detail
7.            Dual portraits of your friends
8.            Lines and patterns
9.            Foreshortened image
10.          Close-up of texture
11.          Silhouette
12.          Motion/Panning
13.          Perspective
Create a contact sheet and make sure to include which 4 themes you chose for this assignment anywhere in the negative space on the contact sheet.  Save it as a JPEG and name it _color.
Turn in 1 photo for printing and name it _print2 

These are due at the end of class on Monday, October 21st, 2014.

Your grade for this assignment will be based on several factors:
  • Completion of each image turned in on a contact sheet.
  • Turned in on time (formative)
  • The quality and creativity of your 20 best images
  • Your choice of which photos to possibly use for your portfolio (summative).

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