Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Manual Adjustments and Action Photos



F-Stops and Shutter Speed Hints

Please take detailed notes in your own words on the top two reading assignment. You will using the material you learn this week on the cameras.

Camera simulator:




Schedule over the next two weeks:
  • Thursday is an Action Photo practice day at school. Bring a ball or other sporting equipment.
  • Action Practice Contact Sheet is due at the end of the period.
  • You will pick two after school action oriented activities or sports to shoot as homework. One must be SC related. You will shoot 75-100 pictures for each activity and turn in 24 picture Contact Sheets for each one.
  • Action CS 1 is due Monday the 25th of March.
  • Tuesday is another Action Practice day. However, on this day you can shoot with your fellow students off campus. You can go to a skate park, gym, or field.
  • Action CS 2 is due Thursday the 28th of March.

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