Thursday, November 01, 2012

Photomerge Assignment

Your assignment over the next five to six days:

You will create three Photomerge pictures. These are 3-5 pictures that overlap to show a wide landscape or cityscape
Your three Landscape/Cityscape style Photomerges should be taken at two different locations at two different times of day.

Use a tripod if possible. Remember to manual adjust white balance or select something like "cloudy" or "sunny" on your camera.

  • Three locations
  • One Photomerge from each location
  • make sure each Photomerge is taken at a different time

Tentative schedule

Tuesday: shooting day, go to an AWESOME landscape location leave at the end of Ti2
Thursday: shooting day, go to an AWESOME landscape location, leave at TAP
Weekend: At least one more location

Note: I would shoot at least eight or nine Photomerges from each location. Shoot each attempt at a slightly different angle. Again, and I can't emphasize this enough, a tripod really helps.

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