Sunday, May 13, 2012

Photo 2: Fashion Work

Fashion Cover Work

Start your Fashion Magazine Cover and Adjustments. The assignment is listed below:

You will create a magazine cover page using your best Fashion picture. You will also create a eight-picture photo spread that details what your subject is wearing. Before I give you some tutorial examples, here and here are some example covers. Click on the images to get ideas for your cover.

Before you start your cover, you need to edit and adjust your pictures to make them look professional. Here is a list of adjustment methods we did last semester:

Clone Stamp (CS)
Patch Tool (P)
Gaussian Blur (GB)
Color Hair (CH)
Whiten Teeth (W)
Removing Hot Spots (HS)
Healing Method (HM)
Glamour Skin Softening (GS)

If you do not remember how to do these adjustments feel free to use the Photoshop book at the front of the room. Take your time. You have a few days to adjust your pictures and make your cover and picture spread. The bottom line is this: get rid of blemishes, tone down hot spots or glare, soften the skin, adjust colors for emphasis, use black and white (greyscale) if necessary, crop for effect, and play around with brightness/contrast etc.

Magazine Cover Tutorials: You can use the tutorials or create a cover without a tutorial.

After you create your cover you need to add text to eight of your pictures. This text, done in the same style as the Action Pics and Spring Quote Pics, should tell us the brand of each item of clothing like this example:

A quote from the subject or something interesting about the items is also a nice touch.

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