Friday, March 11, 2011

Action Photo Practice

Today you will shoot and turn in a full contact sheet of action pictures. You should have 10-12 panning style pictures using shutter speeds of around 1/20-1/60 and then 10-12 pictures of regular fast shutter speeds (usually 1/500-1/2500).

How many of you remembered to bring some sporting equipment?
Suggested activities to shoot: someone running across the field, someone doing back handsprings or other gymnastic moves, anyone playing catch with a football or baseball, and hackysack etc.

If you aren't sure about the panning technique please review the motocross video with the Crocodile Hunter. The panning instruction starts at about 1:30.

You may use my cameras to shoot this assignment. Please share cameras and make sure you sign the sign out sheet when you leave and return. Mr. Story may help you with this assignment too.

Please return to class at 11:35 so you can upload your pictures and turn in the Contact Sheets. Your "Official" Action Picture Contact Sheets with a real sport are due on Monday.

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