Tuesday, June 01, 2010


This is a new assignment for some of you and for others it's new. There are detailed instructions on how to create HDR pictures below.

I'll give you some hints:
1. Use a tripod.
2. Take 8-10 pictures using a variety of shutter speeds from almost dark to too bright. (Adjusting aperture only works also).
3. Make sure tripod is completely steady.
4. Import pictures and put all the HDR pictures in a folder on the desktop
5 Merge pics in Photoshop using automate>merge>HDR

Your assignment today is to read the instructions and using your own cameras (or a friends) go in groups of 3-4 and take a scenic OR landscape type shot 8-10 times using the HDR technique described below. Do this for two locations somewhat near school.
At 11:30 (not 11:40) please return and import your photos and then merge them to HDR. You can eliminate any pictures that you don't need.

Turn in a contact sheet with 16-20 pictures and also turn in one good HDR picture.
Email me with questions.

Step-By-Step HDR Instruction


In the instructions above they suggest you change your shutter speed (I have successfully created HDR merges with aperture adjustment). I will recommend you try both.

HDR Pictures

Each of these pictures is actually three pictures combined, each with a different aperture setting.

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