Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Friday November 20th

Today you will do one of two things:

1. You will use the entire period to shoot your photo. Make sure you have all of the exact details for your shot. Shoot as many versions as you want. I will only see one.
Lighting, location, subjects, facial expressions, and other props count.

2. You will research your photographer and write your one page typed (minimum) paper answering the questions listed on the blog below. Papers will be approximately three-four full paragraphs long. You can use Abi Word, text edit, or you may use your WORD on your laptops to type.
If you choose to write today, you will need to take your picture over the long weekend.

I have asked the sub to leave me names of any students who decide to stay off task during class.

Have fun!

You will have 45 minutes during class Tuesday to manipulate and print your photo.
Your photo, the artists photo you replicated, and your typed paper will be turned in to me at 1:30 PM on Tuesday.
Please email me if you have any questions.

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