Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Photo Contest

North End Seattle High Schooler’s Photo Contest at
The Haller Lake Community Club

The Haller Lake Arts Council is putting on a High Schooler’s Photo Exhibition, to be hung on Saturday, Nov. 3rd. The show will be up for the Salmon BBQ event the following day. We are inviting the following 6 High Schools to participate: Nathan Hale, Ingraham, Shorecrest, Shorewood, Ballard, and Roosevelt. Awards to be determined.

Submissions: Each student can submit 1 black & white photo. All photos should be should be 8” x 10”. The image size can be smaller, and have a border. Bear in mind, viewers will stand 5 feet away from your image. Photos will be placed in an 11” x 14” clip frame, against a white or black backround. All entries must be submitted by Wed., Oct. 31st. Although the Art Council has no wish to place limitations on your work, we ask that you omit nudity or vulgar language, as the viewing audience will be families with children. Please leave your entry & completed application with your instructor in a large envelope. Nancy Cubbage and Nina Carmichael will pick up all entries from your photography teacher on Oct. 31st.

Students must pick up their work by 5:30 p.m. the day of the Salmon BBQ, Sunday, Nov. 4th. The exhibit will be juried by members of the Haller Lake Arts Council.

The Haller Lake Community Club is located in North Seattle, 3 blocks east of Aurora Ave N. at the corner of N 128th and Densmore Ave N.

12579 Densmore Ave N., Seattle, WA 98133

The application looks like this:
Haller Lake Photo Contest Application Form

Submit this application & one black and white photo entry 8” x 10” size to your photography teacher by Tuesday Oct. 30th. Your image can be smaller and have borders, bear in mind that your work will be viewed at a distance of 5 feet. As this is a family event, no nudity or images of vulgar language will be exhibited.

Name: ___________________________________________________________________
High school you attend: ______________________________________________________
Age: ______ Phone: _________________Email Address: ___________________________

Biographical statement (optional): ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Title of photo: _____________________________________________________

Pick up your photo up at 5:30 p.m. after the Salmon BBQ / Arts & Crafts event Sun., Nov. 4th. If you are unable to pick up your work at that time, contact Nancy at or at 206-789-6225.

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