Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Directions For Folders Etc.

Today in Photography:

1. Create a new folder (not album) in IPhoto. Entitle it Final Project.
2. Create new albums for each one of your final projects locations. Drag your photos into these specific albums.
3. Drag these albums into the Final Project folder.
4. Begin adjusting your pictures. Focus on brightness/contrast, exposure, color balance, curves, lighting effects, blurring, and channel mixer.
• Note: You can turn in grayscale and color photos. You can also turn in combinations. You can also create Photomerges, and Selective focus pictures.
5. Select your main photo for your features photo.
6. Resize other pictures to 3*5 and 4*6.

A good final project will showcase a variety of subjects shot from a variety of angles. A good final project will also showcase multiples effects and adjustments created in Photoshop.

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