Example questions:
1. When one subject is in focus and the other object is out of focus in a picture it is called _________________________.
2. The composition element that suggests you should shoot subjects off center is called _________________________.
3. _______________________ gives your subject space to walk and/or look in a picture.
4. The __________________ is the device responsible for the amount of light that gets into your camera.
5. The _________________ controls the length of time that light enters the camera.
6. An F-Stop of F-22 means you have a _____________ amount of light entering the camera.
7. An F-Stop of F/1.4 means you have a ______________ amount of light entering the camera.
8. A shutter speed of 1/250 to 1/1000 is good for _________________ pictures.
9. A picture that shows two subjects with two distinct and different colors is an example of __________________ composition.
10. ______________ is the term used to describe the focus length from your camera to your subject.
11.To change a picture into grayscale you go ________________ then ____________then _________________.
12. To adjust brightness/contrast you go ______________ then _______________ then ____________________.
13. Layer Style and Layer Mask buttons are located in the ________________ ___________________.
The Keyboard shortcut for Free Transform is ______________ _______________.
Apple C= ___________________
Paste= ________________ __________________.
Zoom in= _________________ ________________.
Zoom out= __________________ __________________.
Apple D = ________________.
To change a picture into basic grayscale you go ________________ then ____________then _________________.
To adjust brightness/contrast you go ______________ then _______________ then ____________________.
Layer Style and Layer Mask buttons are located in the ________________ ___________________.
List three things you can change and manipulate in the text options bar:
1. _____________________
2. _____________________
3. _____________________
To adjust lighting effects you go to ________________ then __________________ then ___________________.
Does the Dodge tool make portion of your picture lighter or darker? _________________________.
When you use the patch tool do you select on the area you want to change or the area you want to copy from? ________________________________.
When you use the Clone Stamp do you option-click on the area you want to copy to or copy from? ______________________________.
Rotate Canvas is located in the _____________menu at the top of the screen.
When you adjust the ________________ level you are adjusting how transparent a layer or object is on your project.
You can duplicate a layer in the layers palette a few different ways. Name one ___________________________________.
List two things you can adjust in the clone stamp options bar:
Tools Palette:
V= ___________________
S= ___________________
L= ___________________
E= ___________________
M= ___________________
Crop= ________________
Magic Wand= __________
Text= ________________
Brush= _______________
Where is the channel mixer located in the layers palette?
How do you turn off a layer in the layers palette?
What is the Ansel Adams setting in Channel Mixer?
Red=________ Green=________ Blue=_________
What are the two main tools you used to fix blemishes on your portraits? __________ ____________
Please list lightness channel adjustment steps you used when creating grayscale pictures.
List the steps you used to keep one item in color using copy and paste:
Please list the steps for a basic Photomerge:
Know all grayscale and color adjustment methods.
]* selective focus
* macro
* Strive for a feeling of unity
* compose scenes around a single center of interest
* Lighting to emphasize a point or idea
* leading the subject
* the rule of thirds
* horizontal and vertical lines
* tonal balance
* balance mass
* abstract
* leading lines
* frame the central subject matter
* color contrast
* # of prime objects
Convey Meaning Through Colors and Tones
* movement
(start reading the above link at Strive for a Feeling of Unity)
(Look at further examples at bottom of page)