Monday, January 31, 2011

Digital Photo Assignment: Sell me Shoreline and Lake Forest Park!

You are working for Shoreline magazine and your job is to sell the city to prospective residents and travelers. Your pictures should show the variety of activities, neighborhoods, scenic locations, and cultural spots.
Ideas for pictures: Interurban Trail, Central Market, Various neighborhoods, Lake Washington, Richmond Beach and Puget Sound, Third Place Books, Boating, Fishing, Skateboarding/Skiing/Wakeboarding/Skimboarding/running and other physical activities, restaurants, and shopping.

  • Due at the end of the period Friday is a contact sheet (24 pictures) full of pictures shot using manual adjustment methods. Friday is an all-day shooting day.
  • Due Monday is another contact sheet filled with interesting pictures that showcase the city. This is homework.
  • Due at the end of the period Friday is five print-worthy Photoshop adjusted pictures showcasing different highlights of the city.
  • You must have at least one high-action shot, one landscape shot, and one bizarre angle or abstract shot (something arty).

First Animation Assignment

I would like you to visit the following websites and watch a variety of flash animation.

When you are done watching the animation (spend about 30-35 minutes or so on this) I would like you to tell me what your three favorite flash movies were and why you liked them.
Did you like the storyline? Animation style? Sound effects? Music?
Please list this information, along with the link to access the animation, in the comments section below. Don't forget to put your name at the beginning so I know you did your work. Please use headphones.

Welcome to class! Don't forget to fill in the comment section with your favorite videos. Log in as anonymous and then write your name at the top of your comment.
Mr. Mitchell

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Tuesday-Fiday in Digital Photography

Today in Photo

Adjust Pictures: use a large variety of Photoshop techniques if possible

Write Descriptions: include location, camera technique and composition, special meaning (if any), and Photoshop adjustments.

Send pictures in to the Staff server for printing:
·   Turn in contact sheets with two pictures. Use the naming convention printing.
·   You may print one full 8.5*11 picture.

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Social Experiment Pictures

Click pictures for a larger view.

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Photo Essay Treatment

Turn in your Treatment to the STAFF server.

1. What is your theme for your final project?Example: My theme project is Old America, Photomerge Seattle, or Man v. Nature.
2. Why did you choose this as your theme? What is interesting about this theme? Be specific. 2-3 sentences
3. What type of locations will you choose to shoot your pictures? Why? Keep in mind that you will need to leave campus and most likely leave Shoreline. Please give three or four examples.
4. What type of pictures do you hope to take? Action, portrait, landscape etc? A good photo essay will have a variety. Give me some specific examples and how they relate to your theme. Yes, I want you to attempt to describe pictures you haven't even taken yet. Visualize...
5. What kind of composition will you focus on in your pictures? You will need at least five composition elements (not counting rule-of-thirds). Yes, again I want to know what you are attempting before you shoot. What will you try that you haven't done before?
5b. How will your pictures convey emotion, either from your subject or from the viewer of the pictures? Why will an audience really enjoy these pictures?
6. How much work will be done at school and how much away from school?
7. If you don't have a car, how will you make sure you get to your locations? Can your parents help? How about public transit?
8. This project should showcase everything you have learned in Digital Photography. How will you ensure this happens? What Photoshop adjustment techniques will you use? Please give three or four examples.
9. Is there anything you are unclear about in terms of composition or shot styles and angles etc? This is the time to ask.
10. What type of camera or Photoshop experimentation will you try? HDR? Photomerge pictures? Aperture adjustments?

Please Answer these questions in detail(compete sentences)and send these questions to my staff folder, period 3 and 5 (pick your class).
Next, please copy these questions to your email. Send the treatment to my email account. Please CC at least one of your parents or guardians on the email so they know they extent of this project. They may need to help with transportation.

The Photo Essay (Final Project)

Photo Eassy Requirements:

• First pick a general theme. For example, you might pick America, Democracy, or Responsibility. You will shoot photographs centered on this central theme. This may include camera experimentation like shutter speeds, HDR, aperture adjustments, or photomerges.

• Use what you've learned about photographic composition, lighting, color, lines, texture and use your camera to make a statement. Each individual photo will be graded accordingly. It is imperative you showcase your ability to shoot many angles of shots with many levels of camera composition (Review composition elements and types of shots if necessary).

• Your photographs should make both a visual and emotional/political/critical/intellectual statement. Your photo essay should contain at least 9 photographs. Below each picture you will also describe the composition elements used on each photo, what you did to adjust the picture, the photo settings used, why you picked this picture, and where you took the picture.

• Your photo essay should be something unique, new, and your own view of your selected theme.

A one-page reflection is also required. In this paper you need describe what you learned during your project. What did you learn about your subject, Photoshop, and photography in general. What was easy and difficult about your project? What would you do differently if you did it again? Finally, how far along do you think you have come as a photographer this semester?

• You can shoot B & W, Color, or both. It’s your artistic choice.

• You may digitally alter your photos as necessary in Photoshop.

• Your pictures should be printed out either 3*5 or 4*6, two to three pictures per page with the exception of one photo that will be printed at 8.5 *11.

• Projects should be turned in on poster board or in a binder with written with the written reflection attached. Look at examples at the front of the room.

• You will also be dropping this assignment in my drop box so that we may view each project in front of the class.