Monday, December 05, 2005

Web Site to Download Illustrator Trial

Click Adobe Illustrator CS2 tryout

Register/Log In
Remember your username and password

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Photmerge Detailed Intructions

When you set up a Photomerge composition, you identify your source files, and then the assembly of the panorama is automatically done for you. Once the panorama is complete, you can still make changes to the placement of the individual photos, if necessary.

To set up a new Photomerge composition:
Do one of the following:
Choose File > Automate > Photomerge.
In the File Browser, select the images you want to use and then choose Automate > Photomerge from the File Browser menu bar (see Running automated tasks from the File Browser).
In the dialog box, choose an option from the Use pop-up menu:
Files to generate the Photomerge composition using individual files.
Folders to use all the images stored in a folder to create the Photomerge composition. The files in the folder appear in the dialog box.
Open Files to use the image files you have open in Photoshop.
Click the Browse button to navigate to the source files or folder you want to use to create the Photomerge composition. Select Attempt to Automatically Arrange Source Images if you want Photoshop to try to line the images up in their proper order. Deselect this option if you want to arrange the images in the lightbox yourself.

You can add more files by clicking the Browse button again and navigating to the source files. You can always remove a file from the Source Files list by selecting the file and clicking the Remove button.
When you've added all the source files, click OK to create the Photomerge composition. The source files will open automatically and will be processed.

If the composition can't be automatically assembled, a message appears on-screen. You can assemble the composition manually in the Photomerge dialog box using the lightbox. (See Using the Photomerge dialog box.)
Once the new panorama image appears in the Photomerge dialog box, you can work with individual source files and change your view of the work area. If you need to rearrange the order of the images, drag an image in the work area to reposition it, or rearrange the images in the light box (see Using the Photomerge dialog box).
If necessary, adjust the vanishing point or blending settings of your composition (see Changing Photomerge composition settings.)
If you'd like to save each image in the composition as individual layers, which is useful if you need to correct the color of each image separately, select Keep as Layers.
Do one of the following:
Click the OK button to generate the panorama as a new Photoshop file. The composition then opens in Photoshop.
Click the Save Composition As button to save the composition so you can open it again at a later time.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

B-Movie Steps and Requirements

Steps for B-Movie Poster
1. Brainstorm and sketch ideas on paper. Show Mr. Mitchell your four ideas and pick one to work on.
2. Spend time to get any background/landscape pictures that you need. Pick a place that you could potentially have monsters climb on/destroy/reappear from/or live. Your poster must have at least one digital image taken with a camera.
3. Import your background photos and internet pictures to your computer.
4. Create a new document in Photoshop at 8.5 *11 inches with 200 resolution.
5. Add background photo to new document and import/download internet directly into project.
6. Manipulate photos to work within your poster.
7. Go to and pick a text to create that is appropriate for your poster. Text with blood, fire, or multiple colors also seem to work best. You will make text for your movie name as well as tag-lines and movie stars. The text should go well together.
7b. Check in with Mr. Mitchell to make sure everything is OK.
8. Once you have completed all of your poster you will need to merge layers and convert your picture to grayscale.
9. You will now paint your picture at approximately 23%-30% opacity. Pick colors that stand out.
10. Check in with Mr. Mitchell again and print.

Grading will be based on the following:
Creative movie title
Creative use of text effects for title and tag lines
Interesting/scary monster or villian
Use of digital image
Color Coordination
Realism of poster (does it look like something we would see in a theater)
Logo included
Movie details included in small print (directed by etc.)

Take your time on this project!

Monday, November 14, 2005

B-Movie Link

Also, go to google and do your own searches for ideas.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Barcode Tutorial

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Activity Link

Pick your activity/advisor before class on Friday.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005


First adjust the brightness on your document about 15-20 (image>brightness and contrast) because our printer prints dark.

File>Print Preview
Select 'Select Scale to Fit Media' and 'Let Photoshop Determine Colors'
Select 'Page Setup' and select horizontal or vertical and click 'ok'
Select Print
Under Paper Type and Quality choose 'Glossy Paper'
Under Advanced pick 'maximum edge control' and 'Best Quality' Compression

SCNN Comedy Challenge Poster

You will make a poster that is 8.5 *11 inches and has 200 resolution.
The poster must contain a creative and orignal font and must be multi-colored.
Posters should be easy to read and conatain at least one border.

The poster needs to contain the following pieces of information:
SCNN Comedy Challenge
Turn in an edited 1:00 comedy video to Mr. Mitchell by December 9th
The top two videos will air on SCNN

(You can definitely enhance the poster with headlines or taglines like " Do you like to make people laugh" etc.)

Rules (small print)
Videos may be no longer or shorter than 1:00
Videos must be school appropriate
Videos should contain proper framing and editing techniques (no jump cuts)
You may use only 30 seconds of a "popular" song in your video

Mr. Story will come in and judge your posters next Tuesday. His top five posters will receive an automatic A and they will also be put on the walls around school.

Check out these websites for poster ideas: (Click on small poster on left to view larger)|11662|2395

Friday, October 21, 2005

CD Cover Assignment for Digital Photo

CD Assignment
You will create a front and back cover to insert into a blank CD case.

First you will open Photoshop and create two new blank documents. Both of these documents should be approximately 4.875 inches * 4.875 inches.

Front Cover:
• CD Name and Band Names in fonts of your choice from
• Fictional Band Name in font of your choice.
• Use your own pictures only. Every item on both covers must be something you took a picture of.
• An appropriate and well planned background if your picture is smaller than 4.875 inches. Gradients are always a nice option too for backgrounds.

Back Cover:
• Five pictures. Your five pictures can be band members playing music, singing, signing autographs, or you can make a collage (See The Beatles Sergeant Lonely Hearts Club Band or Revolver down below for good collage examples).
• Track List
• Copyright Information
• Well-designed background

Tools and Effects utilized from Photoshop:
Clone Stamp, Eyedropper, Selection Tools, Layering, Color Gradients, Adjusting Colors, Text Effects, cut/paste, and Free Transform etc.

Monday, September 26, 2005

CD Cover Assignment

CD Assignment
You will create a front and back cover to insert into a blank CD case.

First you will open Photoshop and create two new blank documents. Both of these documents should be approximately 4.875 inches * 4.875 inches.

Front Cover:
• CD Name in font of your choice from
• Fictional Band Name in font of your choice.
• Use your own pictures or pictures from the internet. Internet pictures must be at least 200 pixels.
• An appropriate and well planned background if your picture is smaller than 4.875 inches. Gradients are always a nice option too.

Back Cover:
• Five pictures. Your five pictures can be band members playing music, singing, signing autographs, or you can make a collage (See The Beatles Sergeant Lonely Hearts Club Band or Revolver down below for good collage examples).
• Track List
• Copyright Information
• Well-designed background

Tools and Effects utilized from Photoshop:
Clone Stamp, Eyedropper, Selection Tools, Layering, Color Gradients, Adjusting Colors, Text Effects, cut/paste, and Free Transform etc.

Friday, September 16, 2005

Dropping Items into my Server Box

Connect to Server
Find my last name and drop your document/picture into my drop box.

Thursday, September 15, 2005


To get your filters to work on your text effects go to:
Change 16 bit to 8 Bit and make sure you are in RGB mode

Monday, September 12, 2005

Lab Fees and Forms are due tomorrow

Laf fees and forms for Visual Tech are due tomorrow.
Lab fees for photo are due Wednesday.

Friday, September 09, 2005


Copy and past this link to download the trial version of Photoshop CS.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005